Short and Simp

alex cannot feel if he's under water
because he don't have feelings.
if you punch alex he cant say stop therefore
he has no feelings. Your punch also wont hurt him if
if you are under water because of strong water man.

Water Resistance

rso i was like talking about a shark that was big and it ate me because im alex and no one likes me lololol btw if i didnt tell u my name is alex and no one likes me lololol get roasted noooob. i suck at forenite if u catch my drift and ololololol my best friends name is gaybe nodicko and hes a surfer lolol. I make wierd noises like "EEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEE" or "ahahahahahahahhahahshdhahshdahsd" or "ksksksksks" cuz I is alex and i is bad at minecaft plus i also am a bad chicken lirtle cidiciciciidicidiciciidccccccccccccccsddddddddddd ok gtg grind fortnite now !!!! ADIOS AMIGOS!!!!!!